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TWIN-SET TWI13 'poudre' pink/'bijou' bronze
TWIN-SET TWI13 'poudre' pink/'bijou' bronze
TWIN-SET TWI13 'poudre' pink/'bijou' bronze

Finding the perfect combination of a little top and cardigan was all the rage in the 90s... With softness, poetry and simplicity, JOOLY embraces the conventions of a fashion trend that’s on the way back!

A new addition to the Casual range, Twinset offers pretty combination models that are both soft and fresh!

The collection is based on the concept of slim matching metal fronts perfectly coordinated with long acetate endtips.


Available in tortoiseshell, pearl, single-colour translucent or opaline frames, the varied effects and pastel colours create a delicate, cosy feel.

The height of 90s romance:  Twinset by Jooly!

stainless steel and acetat
Clean with soapy water and wipe with a soft cloth.
'bijou' bronze - 'poudre' pink

Twin-set - TWI13


Finding the perfect combination of a little top and cardigan was all the rage in the 90s... With softness, poetry and simplicity, JOOLY embraces the conventions of a fashion trend that’s on the way back!

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